Thursday, October 14, 2010

why do ppl do ridiculous things like this?

I have found myself wondering why ppl do wht they do. i see some crazy things on Morgan's campus and answer me why? the first thing i just wanted to bring up was the whole 6 inch heel girls walking across campus to communications..i dont get it I know they are hurting ur feet. and dont try to say they dont hurt bcuz even Mariah Carie said heels hurt but she wears them anyway! i just cant fathom the idea of waking up and putting on 6 inch stilettos and heading to class. the second thing sometimes falls hand in hand with the heels..why are girls walking on campus with outfits used to go to the club in by normal ppl. i can only imagine, well actually i dont have to imagine i have seen wht these girls really go to the club in,they barely have anything on in the first place a bra and panties are not a club outfit they are underwear. Keyword UNDERwear. maybe im just ranting my disgust...but dang its ridiculous! another thing is the dudes on this campus act like they are just getting out of jail. if i see one more butt hanging out of ur pants with ur sagging boxers or whtever i am going to pull ur pants up for u and they'll be so high ur not going to be able to breathe because the belt will be around ur neck. pls dress appropriate for college. most of us normal ppl can only take so much if this unsightly abuse.


  1. YESSSSSSS!! Preach mama!!! I mean I wear heals but that's just because I can't really stand flats. And some of them actually are pretty comfortable. But the clothes some of these hoes wear are ridiculous! Why are you wearing fishnets in the snow?? Thats not keepin you warm. And some of these lil boys are jigglin their nasty ass boxers all over the place. GET IT TOGETHER!!! Thank you for this. MSU needs to hear it.

  2. LMAO!!! omg im just glad im not the only one to feel this way! but my opinion of the heels thing is really if u can rock them the whole day then hey do ur thing! but dont lie and say they are comfortable when u know u arent!
