Wednesday, October 13, 2010

wht would u do if u were stuck underground for 69 days?

Ok, so we all know about the Chilean Miners stuck underground for almost 70 days, and i bet most people are wondering how did they cope? No family,no sun, no bathroom and no real home cooked meal.It sounds awful right? well this is the first time a group as large as this has ever been trapped underground and survive over 60 days. It all began on August 5th 2010, when 700,000 tons of massive rock calapsed on the mine shaft inclosing the 33 men over half a mile under San Jose,Chile. For 7 days no one knew if they were even still alive,but finally rescue crews came and found them. it took them weeks to make a rescue tube to save them all.if this were me i would be going crazy. i think i would probably cry and cry thts like one of my deepest fears is to be stuck underground in a small space with no amenities! wht would u do?

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