Saturday, October 9, 2010

waiting for the bus!

Have u ever been waiting for the bus and a crack head wants to tell u his whole life story? no? well i have, it happened this morning and i cant stop thinking about it. First of all im sitting on the bench just waiting for the 52 bus at mondawmin mall and this old guy comes up to me and sits down. i can tell he is high by they way hes leaning to the side..then i guess he decides he wants to talk to someone and guess whos right next to him? me! he starts telling me about how he was a veteran in the army and saw some crazy things while he was fighting in Vietnam. yea hes tht old! but this whole time im wearing my headphones so ppl wont talk to me.but their not attached to anything bcuz i dont have an ipod, SO I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!!! so the dude isnt getting the picture and keeps talking about how he was almost a millionaire and how he is goiin to Canada later on tht night to visit her so they can be in a better place before he dies. yea i know super depressing. but he switches over to y she doesnt talk to him and tells me how back in 80s or something he hooks up with her mother in some cray place and then leaves and she calls him one day and tells him he has a kid....this story was getting kinda interesting so i started listening....but anyway and he goes and sees the kid and shes like 13 at the time and he tells her straight to her face bcuz he was drunk tht day tht she isnt his, even though he know she is bcuz she looks exactly like his mother. and like ten years later he tries to contact her bcuz he feels bad about wht he did but she doesnt want anything to do with now hes going to Canada bcuz thts where she lives and he just bought a house up there and he said hes moving there to sped every second trying to regain her love....i thought it sounded kinda sweet tho....


  1. Wow, I've also been a victim of a crack heads life story while they were hight and sometimes leaning.... The worst is when they start leaning and touching and trying to flirt; The women just look dirty, don't care how many showers they take or when they take'em they still look dirty... Methadone smh

  2. YES!!! its so gross. i get on the bus everynight to go home from school and the same addict is on the bus! cursing ppl out and then apologizing saying the night is gonna creep up on u! kinda spooky! lol
