Sunday, November 7, 2010

i dont think babies should have parties every year.

So im just getting in the house from my little cousins 2nd birthday party and it was nice and all but i started talking to my cousin and he was already planning out wht they were going to do the next year. maybe im a little mean but y do kids need a birthday party every year? i think that we should only celebrate the milestone birthdays like 1,2,5,9,13,16 and 18. only because nothing really happens tht big in between each of those times. ill explain y i think those r the ones we should pay more attention too also!

year 1: is the first year tht they have been on this earth...tht birthday shouldnt really be for them but for the parents just becuz tht first year is probably the hardest year for first time parents learning the ropes and all!

year 2: its the beginning of the end of ur little baby u can call adorable becuz as soon as this bday rolls around prepare yourself for the madness of the TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!! celebrate while u can.

year 5: this is the year u always say "my baby is growing up so fast" because ur walkng them to their first day of school. its all goes ny so quick doesnt it?

year 9: i only picked this year becuz this was one of y favorite bdays when i was younger. i think thew kid should be able to dress up in wht ever they would like to wear and have a nice fammily dinner then a nice get together with a couple friends.

year 13: they r off the clock! and wht better way to start ur crazy emotional teen years than with a slumber party!!! everyone should have one big slumber part with some friends and have movies, food,games and good company!

year 16: sweet 16! just give them a party just so they can feel like they r important. it doesnt have to be big but just make it for them.

Finally year 18: no more throwing them parties thank god! they can throw their own now tht their an adult. but this one should be split day have dinner with ur now adult child and just enjoy eachothers company. another day let them plan wht they wanna do with their friends. its time to let go!

I hope this helps srry for the girlyness of the blog but hey im a girl!


  1. I agree with this, and I like how u break it down. But if 9, why not ten, the first year of being a preteen aint it???

  2. It depends.... i mean usually females gets the most out of birthday celebrations especially hispanics when they celebrate there sweet 16....but i remember when i turned celebration was whack....and since thenm i decided to do my own thing....get tattoos...but hey it only live once smh

  3. You know I agree,with certain years for birthday. because if you ever watched sweet 16 some of those children think they are princes and princesses when really all they are all spoiled disrespectful brats who need a punch in the face, and the reason is the parents do the party big every year and the KIDS take it for granite
    Check this out age 1 and 2 they dont remember anyway 13-18 is fine

  4. I've only had probably 3 or 4 birthday parties ever, and they were all before 8th grade. I actually see it a different way. I'm not saying there should be a big bash every year, but the same way we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, we need to celebrate everyone's birth... EVERY YEAR. Maybe not with a party, but with SOMETHING special. It's that person's day.

  5. i agree with u izzyxoxoxo i do think we should pay attention to the person day but i just think a party every year for someone is a bit much..especially if kids are not going to remember it anyway!
