Sunday, November 28, 2010


i have been assigned this research paper thats due on dec 1st and im stressing bcuz its nowhere near done and i only have 2 more days!!!! my brain has been on mental block this whole semester! i thought this blog would help but it hasnt. i think i just need to get away from everything. im thinking about going on a tech vacation. which would intail me going somewhere away from baltimore with no cell no computer no music nothing! the the evolution of technology would only go up to like the things tht were in the 70s or 60s....i kno it sounds kinda harsh, but i think i need something like that to bring back my creativity. ill see this winter break what i can actually do bcuz i wold have to really plan that out. if i decide to actually do it ill write it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ground Up - "Got Damn" official MUSIC VIDEO (Girls Who Smoke Cigarettes)

'theses dudes r on the come up! they pretty good too! Their name is Ground Up. and their new mixtape is called Girls Who Smoke Cigarettes! their in Phili.

Harry Potter is American!!!!!
ok im a nerd for this but i just thought this was too cute! im goin to try and find the actual video to post

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


 When this girl first came out i was all Rihanna fanned out..after awhile it died off and she just was ok. i didnt like the her hit umbrella and a couple songs b4 tht. but once she really came into her own qith the music i really started to like her stuff again. shes become one of my favorite celeb dressers. i love her style!

fefe dobson

when Fefe Dobson first came out i couldnt stand her. i thought she sucked. but after i heard some of her songs. i really started feelin her music. so i decided to put one of my favorites from her on here. its called: Watch me move.

Hope u like

Sunday, November 7, 2010

i dont think babies should have parties every year.

So im just getting in the house from my little cousins 2nd birthday party and it was nice and all but i started talking to my cousin and he was already planning out wht they were going to do the next year. maybe im a little mean but y do kids need a birthday party every year? i think that we should only celebrate the milestone birthdays like 1,2,5,9,13,16 and 18. only because nothing really happens tht big in between each of those times. ill explain y i think those r the ones we should pay more attention too also!

year 1: is the first year tht they have been on this earth...tht birthday shouldnt really be for them but for the parents just becuz tht first year is probably the hardest year for first time parents learning the ropes and all!

year 2: its the beginning of the end of ur little baby u can call adorable becuz as soon as this bday rolls around prepare yourself for the madness of the TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!! celebrate while u can.

year 5: this is the year u always say "my baby is growing up so fast" because ur walkng them to their first day of school. its all goes ny so quick doesnt it?

year 9: i only picked this year becuz this was one of y favorite bdays when i was younger. i think thew kid should be able to dress up in wht ever they would like to wear and have a nice fammily dinner then a nice get together with a couple friends.

year 13: they r off the clock! and wht better way to start ur crazy emotional teen years than with a slumber party!!! everyone should have one big slumber part with some friends and have movies, food,games and good company!

year 16: sweet 16! just give them a party just so they can feel like they r important. it doesnt have to be big but just make it for them.

Finally year 18: no more throwing them parties thank god! they can throw their own now tht their an adult. but this one should be split day have dinner with ur now adult child and just enjoy eachothers company. another day let them plan wht they wanna do with their friends. its time to let go!

I hope this helps srry for the girlyness of the blog but hey im a girl!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So i wake up and leave the house for bro in law tells me to take a jacket so i did and i hurried up and grabbed a umbrella. i knew i should have grabbed my rain boots but it looked fine outside so i didnt. but when i went to class it was nice and dry outside no  water dripping from above or anything. when i leave the class and walk out side its pouring raining and when i lift my umbrella it falls right back down. i decide to check and see whts wrong with it and its snapped at the top where it folds out. i throw it away and start to trecking the rest ofthe way to my next class. and i decided to take my sisters shoes today. shes gonna kill me!!!!